Rashid and Tevanian Win ACM Software System Award
The ACM has announced that Rick Rashid and Avie Tevanian will receive the association's 2015 Software System Award in recognition of their development of the Mach operating system. Rashid was among the URCS department's first alumni, receiving his PhD in 1980. He then joined the faculty at CMU, and later went on to found Microsoft Research. Tevanian was a 3-2 student at the U of R, receiving his MS in Computer Science before going on to complete his PhD with Rashid at CMU.
The roots of Mach can be found in the Rochester Intelligent Gateway system (RIG), which Rashid worked on during his graduate studies. At CMU this work evolved first into the Accent system, and then into Mach. Upon finishing his PhD, Tevanian carried Mach to NeXT Computer and then to Apple, where it forms the core of Mac OS X and iOS today.